Suggestions for improving Amicus Attorney.

Abacus encourages and welcomes your suggestions for the improvement of Amicus Attorney, and thanks you for all of your ideas. You agree that in making those suggestions you recognize that Abacus is not obligated to compensate you for them, and that any intellectual property in them passes to Abacus. You also commit that in providing Abacus with any such suggestions you are not infringing anyone else’s intellectual property, and will indemnify Abacus and its employees, officers, directors, and affiliated companies, for all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses should it ever be held liable for using your suggestions.

increasing text size without exceeding the allowed space

I want to increase the size of text displayed in Amicus Attorney menus, but options and commands and filenames are consistently cut off at the end when I do so. Is ...
Suggested by: Garth (KLS Trademarks) Spencer (15 Jun, '18) Upvoted: 27 Mar Comments: 13
Under consideration Administrator

Allow firm administrator to update user preferences

Allow firm administrator to update user preferences Allow the firm admin to modify user preferences without having to login as the user. This would be really helpful ...
Suggested by: Andrew Cummins (08 May, '18) Upvoted: 14 Jul, '21 Comments: 4

Offer single sign-on option when logging into Amicus Attorney

Tie my Amicus Attorney login to my Windows login to make it easier to use.
Suggested by: Andrew Cummins (08 May, '18) Upvoted: 23 May, '19 Comments: 1
Planned Administrator

Firm Logo in Firm information and templates

We would like to add the firm logo into the Firm information with the ability to populate within templates
Suggested by: K. (08 Mar, '19) Upvoted: 08 Aug, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Administrator Document Assembly

SSO propagate to the Calendar synchronization with Office 365

To have the SSO feature pass the credentials along to the calendar synchronization with Office 365, so that when the users are prompted to update their network ...
Suggested by: Derek McHale (16 Jul, '19) Upvoted: 04 Mar, '20 Comments: 0
Under consideration Administrator Calendar